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"The drive over to the event was pretty far, but I think it was totally worth it! I got to talk to a lot of new people during the event, and I was even able to make a friendship bracelet out of string! We took a cute division picture at the end, which is on the September division newsletter, so make sure to lookout for it ;)"

-Jessica Wang

"Since this was the last volunteering event for the summer, there were more people than usual. I got to see a lot of people, which made it fun. I chose to do free rice as my project, and it was a really great opportunity. I hope to be part of more service events during the school year!"

-Aditi Natarajan

"This event was super fun! I always love the competition between the entire club! We played tappy trees while we played codenames and it was super fun! We were all super eager to win and it was nice to also help the community out!"

-Richard Chung

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